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Passion Week Daily Reading: Good Friday, April 10

by Marshall Walter on April 10, 2020



But he was pierced for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his wounds we are healed.
~ Isaiah 53:5 ~

Jesus was forced to lie down while His arms were stretched out and nailed to the horizontal beam that He carried. The beam was raised up and affixed to the vertical post. His feet were then nailed to the vertical beam. Sometimes a small wooden board was added to create a makeshift seat that provided partial support for the victim’s weight. The latter, however, was designed to prolong the agon, not alleviate it. Victims were stripped naked, beaten, and then hung outside where they would be exposed to both the mockery of the crowds and the elements of nature. Breathing was only possible by pushing up with the legs and straining the arms. It caused excruciating pain, but it was necessary to avoid asphyxiation. (One Perfect Life, John MacArthur, p.458)

In God’s observation and evaluation of humanity, every single person was corrupted - not a single one of us is good, not one! (Psalm 14:2, 3) Each of us has fallen short in our created purpose of glorifying God, missing the perfect mark of holiness established by God’s own character. (Romans 3:23) Despite this reality, and because God abounds in mercy and great love towards us, he chose to act because we could not act on our own behalf (Ephesians 2:4, 5). For our sake, Jesus endured the agony of the cross (Hebrews 12:1), was crushed by God on our behalf (Isaiah 53:10), through this process he cancelled our record of debt (Colossians 2:14), and offered us eternal life as a free gift. (Romans 6:23) Through his sacrifice we obtain the righteousness of Christ, because he became sin for us (2 Corinthians 5:21). Every person who calls upon the name of Jesus shall be saved (Acts 2:21) and we rejoice in the secure position we claim in Christ who has anchored our souls in the very presence of God (Hebrews 6:19). In Christ, we have peace and rest because with his wounds we have been healed. (Isaiah 53:5)

Today’s Readings: [83 verses]
Matthew 27:1-10
           ^John 18:28-38

           ^Luke 23:5-25
           ^Matthew 27:27-31
           ^Luke 23:26-49
           ^John 19:31-42


***Reading Suggestion: Read slowly and thoughtfully. Each day’s reading has been arranged chronologically, which means for some days there are multiple passages (occasionally requiring some flipping back and forth), please read in the order listed to stay on track. I’ve opted for shorter readings to allow more time for thought and reflection. Avoid the urge to just “get the reading done,” but rather take time to consider and contemplate Jesus this week as the reading takes you through what he experienced each day. I pray this will be an encouragement to you which causes you to more fully appreciate our great Savior - may your love, appreciation, and joy in him continue to expand in this Easter season!

***Resource Suggestion: A Harmony of the Gospels, One Perfect Life 

Tags: salvation, peace, healing, crucifixion, good friday, passion week, easter 2020


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