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How the church flourishes (part 2)

by Jordan Bakker on November 15, 2017

There is nothing in Acts that connects the filling of the Holy Spirit with singing, raising hands, or expressive worship. That's often what we equate the working of the Spirit with today. However, the Spirit was abundantly active in the first century church to give them power to preach in the midst of opposition (4:7-8), astonishing all who hear uneducated men preaching about Jesus (5:13). The church was threatened yet did not back down. They were not popular with the leaders, they were not cool, nor were they trying to accepted by everyone, but instead prayed for boldness to speak the word of God. "And when they had prayed, the place in which they were gathered together was shaken, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and continued to speak the word with boldness" (Acts 4:31).

In the time between Jesus leaving and the Holy Spirit coming, there was undoubtedly some uncertainty and the hardest kind of time: waiting. What do we see the disciples doing: "All these with one accord were devoting themselves to prayer, together with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and His brothers." (Acts 1:14). Prayer is imperative before we begin great ventures, seeking God's face and preparing our hearts for what's coming, making sure we understand that we are seeking God's will, not our own.

Keep praying with us, as we desire to see leaders raised up, and the church flourish even beyond our own local body here in Simi Valley. We're so excited about what God is doing in our midst, for the sake of His name.

The above was excerpted and adapted from a sermon by Pastor Jordan, entitled "The Flourishing of the Church: Built to Grow." You can read or listen to the whole thing here! Stay tuned for more on this topic!

Tags: acts, church life, church planting, practical theology


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