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How the church flourishes (part 1)

by Jordan Bakker on November 09, 2017

Human flourishing has become a bit of a buzzword phrase, with emphasis being placed on thriving and prospering. It is the idea that we seek for ourselves and help others find well being and happiness in a holistic concern for the spiritual, moral, physical, economic, material, political, psychological, and social context. The Bible is NOT against this desire and has actually called us to thrive in this world. The key to unlocking the answer to flourishing is found in how the aim or goal of life is presented. If the focus is on us alone, true happiness can never be found since we are by nature broken and flawed by sin. If our aim is the fulfilling our purpose in glorifying God, flourishing is not only possible but necessary. According to Psalm 19, nature flourishes when it fulfills its God glorifying aim by following its God-given course. Natures aim is to glorify God. "The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims His handiwork" (Psalm 19:1). Nature glorified God by running the course given to it by God. When the sun runs its course, meaning it rises and sets, its personified as something capable of happiness and joy. Happiness comes within nature's fulfillment of its divine calling.

This is not only huge for us, but huge as we think about the church. Individually we all seek after happiness, prosperity, and thriving, but when we look down for those things, we are ALWAYS left wanting. When we look up and realize that we are living for God's glory alone, we unlock the ability to know happiness and joy by fulfilling all that God has for us. When it comes to the church, she flourishes when she operates according to her God given design and purpose.

The above excerpted and adapted from a sermon by Pastor Jordan entitled "The Flourishing of the Church: Built to Last." You can listen to the whole thing here!

Tags: church life, practical theology


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