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Glorious past tense.

by Eric Durso on May 17, 2017

"For by a single offering he has perfected for all time those who are being sanctified." 

Hebrews 10:14

Listen - we will always be a little strange to our culture when we sing about the blood of Jesus...But to you who are saved, to those who know Christ, this is the most glorious reality. Because Hebrews tells us it is by the blood of Christ that He has secured for us eternal redemption. It is finished!

He has secured and perfected us. Glorious past tense. It is done. Those who trust Christ are perfected in the eyes of the Father. All the priests stood up, Hebrews tells us, because they were always doing their work...they stood daily always offering sacrifices because there was always sin; nothing could take it away. But when Jesus did His offering, He did one offering, He rose from the dead, He went into Heaven, and sat down. What does that mean? It means the work is done. It is finished...The sacrifices that could never take away our sin were only pointing to the final and complete sacrifice of Christ that would forever take away our sin.

The above is excerpted from a sermon by Pastor Eric Durso, entitled "Jesus, Our Great High Priest." Listen to the whole sermon or read the manuscript here.

Tags: church life, practical theology


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