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Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus

by Josh Starkey on December 18, 2022

This old hymn that’s become a favorite of our church helps us sing the grand scope of what God was accomplishing by sending His Son to us. Jesus was born with an intent purpose from God the Father: to save  His people from their sin. And He accomplished it. The incarnation, the manger scene we sing about, was all part of the laser-focused plan of our redeeming God.

Jesus was born to deliver His people, and is “Israel’s strength and consolation.” It’s great news for us that God made specific promises to His people, Israel, and which He’ll still finally fulfill. And the benefits of all those promises spill over to the rest of us Gentiles so that God’s blessings now flow to people from every nation, tribe, and tongue. As another hymn says, “far as the curse is found.”

All of our hopes, our longings for a broken world to be mended, and for sin and death to hold no more sway…all of our hopes find their fulfillment in Christ, God’s son, our life, our “long-expected Jesus.”


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