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A Letter from Pastor Jordan - May 23, 2020

by Jordan Bakker on May 23, 2020

Dear Grace Family,

Are we opening up this weekend??!!  That has been a question that has come fast and furiously over the last few hours since President Trump declared churches should be able to open.  This is a significant statement and development, but it does not immediately free us up to gather.  We are, as we have been, waiting on our Governor and County officials to give us guidelines.  We officially opened up the church office this week, following the protocol given to us by Ventura County.  The inspector came to check on us, and we passed without any fanfare.  This helps us prepare for the next opening, which we believe will be soon (even in the next few weeks).  We have put together a committee of nurses, firefighters, police officers, and organizational managers to help us formulate a plan of action when we receive the go-ahead.  We will comply in good faith, to the best of our ability, to make sure that when we gather as a church that everyone is safe and we are in good standing.  Please keep praying this comes soon.

This weekend of worship is bitter sweet.  We are recognizing three new births over the last weeks, a new elder video by John Durso, and our first wave of graduates.  That is the sweet part.  But there is a little sadness as we also will pray for Scott and Kari Bennet as they move up to Auburn, Ca, in 2 weeks.  The Bennett’s have been the epitome of a faithful family, using their gifts, talents, and abilities to serve the Grace Family and join us on our mission to make Christ known.  We will miss them greatly, but know they will continue to bless Grace church of Auburn as they reunite with John and Carolyn McIntosh.  We also remember the many soldiers who have given their lives for their brothers in arms and country on this Memorial Day weekend.  We have freedom as American citizens because of their sacrifice, as we remember the freedom we have in Christ because of His once for all sacrifice. 

We will finish up 1 Timothy 4 and think through the gifting of the Holy Spirit, who graciously gives each believer gifts that allow us to do ministry, the building up of the church.  I trust that this study through 1 Timothy 4 has been encouraging to your soul, as I know it has been mine.  Though the online venue is no longer novel and new, let's continue to discipline ourselves to take in God’s Word as it transforms our minds and hearts. 

Enjoy this extended weekend.  Love you all. 

In Him,

Pastor Jordan Bakker

Tags: covid-19, quarantine, grace at home, church at home


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