Weekly Announcements, Sermon Notes and More!

A Letter From Jordan - May 18, 2020

by Jordan Bakker on May 18, 2020

Dear Grace Family,

Hurry up and wait.  That has been the catch phrase we’ve been feeling these last few weeks.  We are through the initial shock of the first weeks of shutdown, the glorious celebration of Easter, and now we are in the bog of a new normal with lack of clarity moving forward.  I was reminded this week of a verse that many use but few may understand in context.  “I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.” (Philippians 4:13).  Many use this as a life verse to talk about goals for life or pushing past personal barriers, but the context is exceptionally clear.  The point is that Paul learned how to be content in any and every circumstance, whether he had more than he needed or whether he had less than desired.  The secret was NOT external, but the fact that joy in life is about our position and relationship with Christ, not in possessing material gain or physical comfort.  As followers of Jesus, we have all that we need to be content in shutdown, loss, and frustration of not knowing the future.  We can do all things because Christ is the one who strengthens us.

We had a wonderful weekend continuing our interaction in 1 Timothy 4:13, and refreshing our commitment to the public ministry of God’s Word.  We looked at how we are always one generation away from abandoning Scripture, so we devote ourselves to the public reading, explanation, and teaching of God’s Word.  When we are able to meet together again, no matter what technological advances are made and used, we will continue our weekly dedication to what God has commanded us.  Two highlights of the morning: our good friend Kari Bennett singing, and Austin Fry’s ability to read strange names from Nehemiah 8, and doing it with expert ease. 

Continue to pray for our incoming elders.  I hope you had an opportunity to listen to the testimony of Marshall Walter.  It’s exciting to hear how God has worked in each of our lives, and we are blessed to have a leader like Marshall ready to lead in the capacity of an elder.  This week we will hear from John Durso, followed by Adam Bender next week. 

In Him,

Pastor Jordan Bakker

Tags: daily grace, quarantine, grace at home, church at home


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