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Missions at Grace

Our purpose is to glorify God and further Christ's mission by involving every man, woman and child of our church in effective ministry to the nations.  Our church chooses to engage in missions because of the command in Matthew 28:19-20:

Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.

Our obedience to His command is motivated by the ultimate goal of the church, which is worship. God deserves worship. Our passion for missions flows from our passion for God. As our worship of God grows, so will our commitment to invite others to become His worshippers. As John Piper says, "When the flame of worship burns with the heat of God's true worth, the light of missions will shine to the darkest peoples on earth."

Missionaries Map (Regions)


Grace's commitment is to offer support on a wide-variety of fronts as we do all that is necessary to care and provide for those missionaries we enter into relationship with. There are a number of broad, but tangible ways in which our missionary support plays out. We want to flex and adapt as necessary to meet the particular challenges and opportunities facing each missionary.

The primary role of the Missions Mobilization Team is to facilitate communication between the church and the missionaries who are supported by the church. This group provides ongoing support as needs and opportunities arrive and help with the on-going care of our missionaries.  


Home Team Support – We seek to build a team around each missionary we support. This includes prayer support, coordinating logistics at home, and assisting with hosting, etc. when the missionary is on furlough.

Financial Support – Grace desires to be generous and wise in stewarding the funds God has entrusted to the church in order to maximize on global missions. 

Logistical Support – We want be a blessing by offering logistical support whenever it is helpful. Guided by the missionary, this can include things like planning trips, organizing fundraisers, handling paperwork, or whatever else is most helpful.

Communication Support – We desire to stay informed of what’s happening on the field, but also to keep the missionary abreast of what’s happening in our midst. Regular communication with someone on the Home Team will provide opportunities to pass along prayer requests, ministry updates, and other important information which is necessary to maintain a strong relationship.

Re-Entry Support – We hope to help our missionaries transition off the field when the time comes for that as well. This can be a rough period for many missionaries and we want to walk through this stage of the support process with them.